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Lumber Society Update: September and October

We just sent out an email to all of Lumber Society. We are also aware that for some reason the email is either blocked by incoming servers or labeled as Spam for some of our members.

In order to keep the flow of information going we are going to post the email here as well.

Email Contents:

Here is an update for the Nature Walk, Community Outreach and October Workshop. 

But, before we dive into the upcoming events we would like to say that the Owl Troop is leading in terms of points and attendance. We praise the Beaver Troop for holding the bar so high and also call upon the Raccoon and Mallard Troops to Assemble. 

On the day of the Nature walk Owls will reap their reward and get Happy Hour Pricing all night after the walk. 

Owls! Be sure to bring in your troop badge. If you don't bring it then no happy hour. Simple as that. 

Now onward to the dates and info. 

Nature Walk

Thursday, September 27th @ 7pm

Chris Hyde will lead a Nature walk in our Neighborwoods and will touch on topics learned in class from the Navigation Class. 

Here is a link to our FB and Site. 



Community Outreach

Sept. 29th is National Public Lands Day and we would like to invite you out to come and participate in some community work to show some appreciation for Mother Earth.

Some words of wisdom from Malcolm Yeatts.

"The weather forecast for Saturday says cool and sunny. Please arrive a little before 9, so that we can brief your crew and distribute tools. Please wear appropriate clothing: long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Park along South Pleasant Valley Road, South of Oltorf... 

We will supply tools, drinks, and gloves. 

Thank you for helping our community."

Let us know you're going by commenting below or share this with someone who you'd think would love to join in on sharing some Tender Love and Care to our Trials.



Shelter Building Workshop

Join us as we explore the ins and outs of natural shelters for survival as well as living on the land. Troop members will get a chance to square off against other in order to create a watertight shelter as well as gain some cool new gear for their survival cache for the upcoming winter trip. 

What to Bring: Closed toe shoes, Journal, Troop Badge, and Pants

Camp Master: Chris Hyde

