We're headed back to the Country Club Creek – officially adopted by the Lumber Society – to remove some ligustrum and light trash removal!
We'd been working out at the Country Club Creek Greenbelt for quite a while and we had made some amaziing progress before the pandemic interupted us. The city recently cleaned out a lot of the trash that had built up over that time so we're prepped for another trail clean involving ligustrum removal and a light trash pickup.
If you want to do a little research on ligustrum check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privet
We will provide tools and gloves (bring your own if you'd like) but bring a water bottle and wear work appropriate clothing.
We'll meet at Buzz Mill Coffee (1505 Town Creek Drive) between 9-9:30am for a coffee or tea on us. Then head down to the CCCG.
Directions from Buzz Mill Riverside: head east on Riverside, take a right (head south) on Pleasant Valley and follow that until it dead ends in a cul-de-sac south of Oltorf. We'll gather by 9:45 and get started at 10am sharp!
Afterwards we'll head back to Buzz MIll for a burger/BBQ and drink on us! Thanks!
RSVP NOW www.eventbrite.com/e/lumber-society-trail-clean-at-the-country-club-creek-greenbelt-tickets-255402364347